
Showing posts from August, 2023

IN THE LOOP - OSLT August Newsletter - A Busy Fall Along the Loop!

Issue No. 7 / August , 2023 Salt marsh along Walter Boardman Drive  Fall Brings a Flurry of Activity With cooler weather (hopefully!) on the horizon, special events are planned all along the Loop this fall to help inform as well as enhance the scenic byway.    We continue to work closely with Volusia County, the City of Ormond Beach, State Park Rangers and the other dedicated partners engaged in the ReGrow the Loop initiative.  As we continue to grow our efforts, we welcome your involvement and hope you'll consider volunteering  - either through clean ups along the Loop, help with marketing or community outreach, or simply to get others involved,  please send an email to us  HERE. ­ We urge all those who want more preservation   along the Loop  to attend to support the purchase of 1200 acres of marshland along the Scenic Loop abutting Bulow Creek and North Peninsula State Parks.  The purchase was recommended by Volusia Forever and was ap...