
Showing posts from January, 2024

IN THE LOOP - OSLT January Newsletter - It's a New Year!

 Issue No. 12 / January 2024 Sunrise at Al Weeks Sr. North Shore Park in Ormond By The Sea                                                     Happy New Year! With the start of a new year, we are looking back on our accomplishments from last year, and looking ahead to what's in store for 2024.  Our leadership team is putting the final touches on the OSLT's annual report which reviews highlights from the previous year and serves as a guide for future events, goals and long range plans.  Currently a few of our team members are recovering from health issues, so we are slowly getting up to speed and gearing up for our spring activities.  Some of these will include attending ReGrow the Loop workshops, creating an inventory of dead and diseased trees and invasive plants along a section of Old Dixie Highway and native plant gardening activities for interested volunteers.  We look forward to seeing you at one of our 2024 events! Upcoming Workshops Mark