
Showing posts from October, 2023

IN THE LOOP - OSLT Newsletter - October Happenings - Palms, Peppers & More!

Issue No. 9 / October, 2023 Thank You Volunteers!  As a Florida Scenic Highway and designated National Scenic Byway organization, we are required to develop a work plan for each calendar year highlighting our accomplishments for the current year and outlining what we have planned for the next. We've recently been going through this process and are proud to note that as volunteer numbers have increased , so has our list of accomplishments.   This is a major step forward for our organization and for the betterment of the Scenic Loop.  So to everyone who has recently joined our mailing list, offered to volunteer, or attended one of our meetings – we thank you for your involvement!     If you've already signed up to volunteer and are awaiting instructions, we ask for your patience.  We're currently defining events and activities and will be in touch soon!     Like to volunteer but haven't signed up?    EMAIL US HERE There are plenty of ways to still get involved as Volusia