| | As a Florida Scenic Highway and designated National Scenic Byway organization, we are required to develop a work plan for each calendar year highlighting our accomplishments for the current year and outlining what we have planned for the next. We've recently been going through this process and are proud to note that as volunteer numbers have increased, so has our list of accomplishments. This is a major step forward for our organization and for the betterment of the Scenic Loop. So to everyone who has recently joined our mailing list, offered to volunteer, or attended one of our meetings – we thank you for your involvement! If you've already signed up to volunteer and are awaiting instructions, we ask for your patience. We're currently defining events and activities and will be in touch soon! Like to volunteer but haven't signed up? EMAIL US HERE | | There are plenty of ways to still get involved as Volusia County's ReGrow the Loop initiative continues to present workshops and learning opportunities for local residents. On October 24th Florida's iconic palm trees will be the focus of the next workshop: Join Florida Master Gardener Volunteers Jennifer Condo, Chris Nott and Shani Hervey as they share their extensive knowledge of our local palm trees. Learn about the significance of these unique trees - from the beauty of their fronds, to their environmental importance. You'll gain new perspectives about these interesting plants and leave with the know-how to grow your very own palms! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER | |
A Healthy Sabal, aka "cabbage palm," the State Tree of Florida |
Exploring Our Coastal Environment |
| It was a lovely day for our Coastal Trail Walk at North Peninsula State Park. Naturalist Paul Rebmann highlighted a variety of native, coastal plants including yaupon holly, scrub oak, sand live oak, southern magnolia, saw palmetto, pine, sabal palm, coontie, as well as flowering goldenrod and other wildflowers. After exploring the windswept dunes, the 2-hour hike concluded with a view of the western edge of the restored salt march, flourishing with black mangroves. – Photo courtesy of Sonya Guidry | | Near the entrance to the hiking trail is an oyster re-purposing project currently underway by the "Friends" group of nearby Gamble Rogers State Park. Here, large amounts of cast-off oysters from Flagler County restaurants are brought to "cure" in the sun and air for about 8 months. This "curing" process removes any dangerous bacteria or organisms which could cause contamination. The volunteers then package the oysters into chicken-wire "sacks" for use in estuary shoreline stabilization projects. What a fantastic example of eco-recycling! – Photo courtesy of Rob Bird | | | The ReGrow the Loop Tree Giveaway on October 14th was a big success with those who signed the pledge and attended the required workshop or event receiving a free, native tree. A huge THANK YOU to Volusia County for organizing such a meaningful initiative that is supporting native plants and adopting practices that will help sustain the Loop! | | Pictured above, left to right: Back row - Karen Pillar, OSLT; Troy Kent, Volusia County Council, District 4; Brad Burbaugh, Volusia County Community Services Director; Nancy Galdo, OSLT Bottom row - Kalan Taylor,County Extension Director at UF/IFAS Extension Volusia County; Brittany Council-Morton, Urban Horticulture Extension Agent for Volusia County. | | | |
Who: Friends of A1A Scenic & Historic Coastal Byway (Event Coordinator) and partners: A1A Ocean Islands Trail (Nassau/Duval), Ormond Scenic Loop & Trail (Volusia), Halifax Heritage Byway (Volusia) What: The 15th Annual Super Scenic 150-Mile Garage Sale Where: From Fernandina Beach (Nassau) to Ponce Inlet (Volusia) along more than 150 miles of Florida Scenic Highways When: Saturday, November 18, 2023 from 8 am to 2 pm Why: You can sign up and participate from your home! Don't live on A1A? No problem - join one of the community sites. Businesses and Restaurants: This is a low cost opportunity to promote your business and highlight your location. Create a super saver deal or special for the day, get registered, and you'll be listed on the official Shopper's Map! The Ormond Scenic Loop and Trail participates annually in this 150-mile shopping extravaganza which is the largest super scenic garage sale in the country. Bargain hunters from Ponte Vedra to Ponce Inlet will be out and about so get your garages and closets cleaned out and ready to sell! Registration is now open at www.a1agaragesale.com All registration proceeds support the Friends of A1A Programs including our A1A Scenic Byway Mobil Tour, Kids Ocean Day Florida, beach & roadside cleanups. Learn more at www.ScenicA1A.org If you're not sure where to start, EMAIL US HERE |
| | | Cardinals are found in nearly every Florida ecosystem, from coastal intertidal zones to swamps and forest edges as well as in suburban neighborhoods. Often thought of as migratory birds, Northern Cardinals live in Florida year-round. Florida even has two subspecies of cardinal. One - C. cardinalis ssp. floridanus - is specific only to the state. The second - C. cardinalis ssp. cardinalis - is found west of the Apalachicola River. An uncommon variation, only seen in Florida a few times a year is the extremely rare yellow northern cardinal. The male is the cardinal you will notice first because of its bright red feathers but look around, there is probably a brown female close by. Cardinals are monogamous and will stay with the same mate for a year or longer with some pairs mating for life. During courtship the male will feed the female seeds one at a time, showing that he's a good provider. Mated pairs will usually have 3 to 4 eggs in each brood with multiple broods during the season. Female cardinals are one of the few songbirds that will sing on its nest. It's thought that this is to tell the male to bring food or warn of predators. To attract these colorful birds to your backyard, offer sunflower seeds, one of their favorites. To increase your chances of having them nest in your yard, leave some leaves and other yard waste in a corner, especially under dense shrubs. | Invasive Brazilian Pepper in Bloom |
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The Brazilian Pepper tree is one of the most destructive trees growing along the Loop, smothering out our native trees and shrubs. |
| Flower blossoms just emerging |
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If you have a Brazilian pepper tree in your yard or nearby, please, at the very least, cut all the blooms and seed branches off of the tree so they cannot ripen. Do not handle the tree with your bare hands; wear nitrile or disposable gloves and it's recommend that any berries or branches collected be bagged and placed with your household garbage, not your yard waste. Please see the information (link below) from the University of Florida's Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants for further information about cutting and disposing of the branches/seeds. |
| | Our October Meeting We invite you to attend either in person or remotely! |
Wednesday, October 25th; 5:30 pm Ormond Beach Public Library, Sandpiper Room 30 South Beach Street Ormond Beach FL 32174 Doors open at 5 pm and the meetings starts at 5:30. |
To Attend Remotely: For those attending remotely, please sign on 15 minutes early. We have had some audio difficulty getting everyone online so our Team will be working out any technical difficulty before the 5:30 meeting starts. |
Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device: Click here to join the meeting Or join by entering a meeting ID
Meeting ID: 372 442 791 167 Passcode: ZhewPz Join with a video conferencing device 130865883@t.plcm.vc Video Conference ID: 125 998 255 3 Alternate VTC instructions Or call in (audio only) +1 321-430-1064,,437455412# United States, Orlando (844) 603-6058,,437455412# United States (Toll-free) Phone Conference ID: 437 455 412# |
The Mission of the Ormond Scenic Loop and Trail Byway organization is to protect and enhance the Loop by serving as a focused source of education, community outreach and enhancements projects consistent with our volunteer resources and guidelines of the Florida Scenic Highway and National Scenic Byway programs. |
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Ormond Scenic Loop & Trail Corridor Management Entity, Inc. |
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