In the Loop - OSLT E-newsletter Issue #5 
June 2023 


The Time is Now!

The Ormond Scenic Loop and Trail is one of Volusia County's most iconic and treasured environments. Much more than a roadway,  “The Loop” is a vestige of the "Old Florida" that lives in our memories. It is a place to catch our breath and take in the majesty of nature; a conduit to some of northeastern Florida's most beautiful beaches, marshes, live oak canopies, hiking trails, State and County Parks, fishing spots, historic houses and more…all within a 30+ mile loop that simply put, captures the very essence of what “Old Florida” means.  How lucky are we?

Unfortunately, as many of us are aware, development has escalated to such a degree around the Loop that much of its canopy has been impacted and its scenic beauty compromised. But thankfully, much still remains.  We, the Board of the Ormond Scenic Loop and Trail, invite you to join us as we re-commit to protecting, maintaining and enlisting the community in our efforts to preserve this treasured resource for generations to come.  The County's "ReGrow the Loop" program offers all of us a wonderful place to start!


Our June Meeting - All Are Welcome!

Wednesday, June 28th

5:30 pm
Ormond Beach Public Library, Sandpiper Room
3 South Beach Street
Ormond Beach FL 32174

Doors open at 5 pm and the meeting starts at 5:30.  

All are welcome and we invite you to attend either in person or remotely.  (Remote link at the end of this newsletter)


Program Update from June 8th Meeting

 From Nancy Galdo
, OSLT Vice Chair...

Volunteers from the Ormond Scenic Loop and Trail, local Paw Paw Chapter of the Native Plant Society, Halifax River Audubon, Dream Green Volusia, the City of Ormond Beach, along with County leaders and representatives from the UF/IFAS Extension Volusia County, all met to review the framework for the "ReGrow the Loop" program.  We are excited to be a part of this pilot program with Volusia County, and the many other equally enthusiastic organizations!  

Listed below are the goals for the program:

Be part of the solution and become a ReGrow the Loop participant 


Joining is free and easy for all Volusia County residents.  

Complete the CITIZEN PLEDGE linked below and select a minimum of one environmentally-friendly action related to regrowing the loop, protecting water quality, and engaging for the Loop.  

When you complete the pledge, you will receive a ReGrow the Loop sticker and one monthly email with a list of educational activities offered by UF/IFAS Extension, Volusia County, and our partners.

 Click HERE to take the Citizen Pledge

The First ReGrow the Loop Workshop

Come learn with UF/IFAS Extension Director Kalan Taylor

Click here to register


Upcoming Events

Summer Florida History Con

The Museum of Arts and Science (MOAS) 

July 15th - 10 am to 3 pm

We're excited to be participating in this all-day celebration of Florida history.  Enjoy various history re-enactors, historical displays, costumes, local history clubs, and more!  Free for members or with paid museum admission.

Look for us at our table to learn about the Loop's history and pick up some promotional materials!

Find out about it here


Spotlight on...

Birthplace of Speed Park

On the southeast edge of the Ormond Scenic Loop and Trail at Granada Boulevard and A1A, is the Birthplace of Speed Park. 

Located on the beach where the first speed tournaments in the United States earned Ormond the title "Birthplace of Speed" this lovely park has a replica of the original Ormond Garage which houses replicas of (red) Bullet #1 and Pirate racecars. Stone markers share the garage's history and some of the drivers. 

A shady picnic area with a grill, a pavilion, a beach viewing platform with an ADA ramp, and stairs leading to the beach invite you to spend the day at this breezy seaside park. 



21 Ocean Shore Boulevard
Open every day 6 am to 7 pm
No entrance fee and there is 

limited parking.  Handicap accessible.

Click here for more on Ormond Beach's racing history.

Thanks for the Love!

We'd like to thank Love Whole Foods Cafe and Market for choosing the Ormond Scenic Loop & Trail as their Bring-Your-Own-Bag charity for the month of June. Proceeds from this program will support the printing of informative rack cards that we share with the public.  

We greatly appreciate their support and hope you'll visit them the next time you're out shopping!

Find them online at

Reaching Out through Social Media

On June 1st the OSLT Facebook group reached 500 members and has gained another 18 members to date!  

Please continue to like, comment and share our posts to improve our Facebook ranking, and be sure to tell your friends about our group. If you have any photos or stories about your experiences on the Loop we encourage you to share them in a post. We also invite you to follow our Instagram page and share our info in your own" Insta" stories.

Our website,, is the go-to source for all things on the Loop.  

Whether you are looking for information about parks, fishing, hiking, or beaches we have a page for that! Visits to the website are staying fairly level with over 4,000 in May, bringing our total since February to over 23,000!  

We will be compiling a list of historic places, homes, and museums. If you have somewhere you would like to see included please let us know. We appreciate your input!     

 - Karen Pillar, Board Member

Help Us Help the Loop 

We are currently seeking a volunteer to serve on our Board as the Recording Secretary; the Secretary keeps a complete record of all Board and general membership meetings.  We also are looking for someone to oversee merchandising, including the development of promotional items to support our Loop preservation efforts. 

LITTER PICKUP - We're hoping to assemble a group of regular volunteers who would drive along assigned sections of the Loop and pick up litter. It would also be wonderful to have a few volunteers who pick up trash along the beach on a regular basis. 

If you are already regularly picking up litter along the Loop, why not join as a volunteer and be part of our group?

Please email to find out how you can help!

If you know someone who would like to be added to our mailing list, please send their name, email address and phone number to this address and add Mailing List to the subject line. Thanks!


Remotely Attend Our June Meeting

 Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 372 442 791 167
Passcode: ZhewPz
Download Teams | Join on the web
Join with a video conferencing device
Video Conference ID: 125 998 255 3
Alternate VTC instructions
Or call in (audio only)
+1 321-430-1064,,437455412# United States,
Orlando(844) 603-6058,,437455412# United States (Toll-free)
Phone Conference ID:
437 455 412# 

Click and Like Us

Now is the time to come together as a community to protect the beauty of our scenic highway!


Ormond Scenic Loop & Trail Corridor Management Entity, Inc.

P.O. Box 1807, Ormond Beach  32175



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